Being a preteen right now!

My parents used to go out during the day and arrive back as the streetlights came on!

If I go out, I must be meeting with a friend. The could be pedophiles about. Sure, my parents don't know any pedophiles but you never know. Unless, it's someone that Mummy and Daddy have said hello to first, they could be a pedophile. I guess that hello from an adult cures pedophiles of pedophilia at least for the parent's or care giver's children. That's why we tell children not to talk to strangers, but don't tell adults how to spot pedohiles. I kept waiting for it in sex education. Never happened. I asked the teacher about controversial sexualities and she told me about homosexuality and that if I think I may have aids yadda yadda. I actually don't remember what to do if I had aids. It was too angry to take in what she was saying. How am I supposed to protect kids if I don't have the information on how to spot a good stranger from a bad one?

All I see is that my young friends are getting less exercise and less chances to explore. At least video games are trying to fulfil the idea of exploration, though I feel that Zelda is showing that less and less. I suppose pokemon is filling that need a little bit but it's still not great. Nothing compairs with playing outside and using your imagination. As much as adults agree with me on that, I feel like that they're the ones who are the most in the way. They make play too organised and are too afraid to let kids be kids. My grandad was saying that he never sees anyone play 'cowboys and indians' anymore so I told him that yeah, we play other things and told him about Paradox Princess Violet and our own Zelda puzzles we play at the park or how if we can get enough kids together we play pokemon battles. He said that it was political correctness gone mad and overly violent. I've never even seen a cowboy and indian movie. Why would I play one? From what I hear they're all super racist anyway.

A lot of old people don't like us skateboarding. I don't mind that too much, until they get to put up 'no skateboarding' signs AND get to park on our playing fields. When I took a baseball bat to those monstrosities of adult preveridge I was the one who got into trouble. It's rediculous. Next time I'll make my protest clearer and smash the windows in with my skateboard. I hate adults. Over arrogant pompus and cruel the lot of them.

If there's anything I notice about kids these days it's that they feel more and more coddled and over protected. Sorry adults but your rights end where the rights of others begins. You don't have the right to control how we play. You don't have the right to hurt us. You have RESPONSIBILITY! It is YOUR JOB to be good strangers. Stop normalising being a bad adult.

Every so often we get reports that kids are doing less exercise, so of course the answer from adults is to say 'put up the price of petrol. We're not as important as our children and they need to be able to play in the streets again. You can give the money from the tax to kid's charities and really help everyone.' Who am I kidding? The answer is to BLAME US FOR THE SITUATION THEY CREATED. The rights of adults end were the rights of children begin and WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO AIM TOWARDS GOOD HEALTH.

No ball games allowed. No skateboarding. No swimming. How about no controlling exercise you rabid hate filled old farts!

(c) Paulo Estrella