Misty is the worst pokemon character ever. She's not a real tombody. Every time they get an opportunity to do anything with her that actually could have her do anything they don't. She just stands around taking up space and complaining.

Even when they give her focus episodes the day is always saved by her male friends. What even is a water pokemon master? It's vague so that they don't have to risk giving a female character who's not a bad guy some angency. She's just so meh. What are we telling little girls with this? That it doesn't matter if they're masculine or feminine provided they never take the spot light? I hate how they use her complaining to 'make up' for her lack of doing anything.

Complaining about not doing anything isn't the same thing as doing something.


Her character isn't even consitant. She's just so badly written. I don't think we're supposed to be noticing that she never trains. When the show called it out, they created a fake flashback to give the idea that she is training. I think we're supposed to see her as a tough interesting character, but they never have her doing anything tough or interesting.


Okay so we're supposed to see her as someone sympathetic because she has difficulty showing her possitive emotions because her sisters are so much more loved than her. While we also see her sisters as dumb because they're feminine. We're supposed to go 'poor dear', but here's the thing. She never gets called out on her bad bahaviour! Like you have to work pretty hard to get me to not sympathise with someone who lost their bike but she is such a pain about it. So entitled. At least her sisters are fun and relaxed. Like I don't know Misty. Maybe people ignore you because you're a big meanie. Your behaviour literally lines up with type c attachment theory. Misty, you're a phychopath...

But badly written

That is if you were written consistantly enough for any interpretation to work. Like you're supposed to be kind to pokemon but if they scare you, you see it as a okay to hit them and hurt them in all manner of ways. I'm scared of dogs but if I kicked a puppy I would be a monster. SO IS MISTY!

Plus your voice is annoying. Only your outfit is any good. At least it teaches girls not to be ashamed of themselves. Though I do wonder why you wear such revealing stuff in the snow. What's that about? Your outfit isn't that fashion forward. I asked a female about it and she agreed it's weird.

(c)Paulo Estrella