I'm not gay but I'm girly

I like Sailor Moon. Most of my friends are female. In England around half of them are. My favourite Sailor Moon character is the most pink and cute. I spend more time reading than playing sports.

I'm still male.

I don't see why being like a girl is bad. I've had plenty of people pressure me to care more about guy's interests but never mind how obcessed a Spice Girls fan is, it's never at the same level as a soccer fan or baseball or whatever. A spice girls fan will put their cd on in the background. A sports fan won't shut up until you lie and claim to support a team. I support blowing sports stadiums up so I never have to deal with being asked about sports again.

A lot of people have called me fake for supporting girls like I do. I don't get it. Like woop de doo. I think people are people. Why should that make me lesser? I think gay people are people too by the way.

Yeah, provided they're not shoving it in my face, I'm fine with the gays. Take that homophobes!

Anyway, I love being around girls and I hate seeing them getting bad stuff, just because they don't have a part that doesn't really do much. Like if someone wants to open a jar, they don't pull out their genitals. They use their arms and we tend not to even open up jars on a dayly basis. It's just so dumb. I suppose racism is even dumber. I can't think of any situations where I use my skin colour ever. Other than socially created ones. It's so unnatural and gross. Girls who are also not white get both racism and sexism in weird ways too.

I am still a great guy and I'm sick of getting bullied for being nice.

(c)Paulo Estrella